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UGA 2024 Thesis Prize : Baptiste ANDRIEU winner of the interdisciplinary prize

Published on June 03, 2024

Université Grenoble Alpes has honored ten PhDs graduating in 2023 whose thesis work was judged to be of exceptional quality. Eight academic thesis prizes, including one interdisciplinary prize, and two innovation thesis prizes. This year, one winner also received the social and environmental Responsibility Award. The awards will be presented at the "PhD Ceremony" on June 25, 2024.
Candidates were selected in advance by the thirteen Doctoral Schools of the Université Grenoble Alpes from (…)

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CRACK THE ROCK project awarded ERC Advanced Grant 2023

Published on April 25, 2024

At the beginning of April, the European Research Council (ERC) announced the results of the "ERC Advanced Grant 2023" call for established researchers. INSU is the host institution for 4 grants, including 1 to ISTerre awarded to Eric Larose for his project CRACK THE ROCK. Congratulations ! In 2024, the ERC will be funding 255 researchers with "Advanced" fellowships, worth a total of 652 million euros, as part of the Horizon Europe program. These grants enable scientists, recognized in (…)

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Discovery of a large hydrogen reservoir in an underground mine in Albania

Published on February 12, 2024
UGA/CNRS press release

An international scientific team, including researchers from the Institut des Sciences de la Terre (ISTerre - CNRS/IRD/UGA/ Univ. Gustave Eiffel/USMB), has just discovered a reservoir of natural hydrogen in the depths of a chromite mine in Albania. This discovery, which opens up new prospects for the exploration of natural hydrogen, is the subject of an article published in Science magazine on February 8.
Natural, or geologic hydrogen (H2) has recently gained widespread interest due to (…)

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New geophysical "scan" of the Alps helps explain current deformation field

Published on January 26, 2024

New ambient background geophysical data provide an unprecedented 3D image of the deep geometry of the boundary between mantle and continental crust beneath the Western Alps, also known as the Moho. These high-resolution data enable the deep geometry to be correlated with sub-surface geological data.
These data show the presence of a cold, rigid mantle body located 20 kilometers below the Po plain south of Turin. This portion of the Adriatic mantle acts as an indentor, controlling the (…)

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50,822 earthquakes in the alps since 1987 : a catalog to improve seismic hazard characterization

Published on January 25, 2024

The western Alpine arc is characterized by moderate but constant seismic activity. Numerous studies (geodynamic and seismological, etc.) highlight the persistent scientific questions linked to Alpine dynamic processes and the associated rate of deformation (resulting from late continental collision phases), and to the assessment of seismic hazard and associated risks. Seismic monitoring in the northern French Alps was launched in 1987 with the installation of the first Sismalp seismological (…)

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Earthquakes : modeling people’s behavior for better protection

Published on December 18, 2023

Simulation is an essential tool for improving people’s preparedness for disasters such as earthquakes, whose sudden and violent nature requires an effective emergency response. It can even be used by public authorities and crisis managers to implement the actions required to protect populations. With this in mind, a multi-disciplinary team of researchers, including two scientists from the ISTerre laboratory, has created an original computer model for the city of Beirut in Lebanon, which is (…)

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Iron in ancient deep magma ocean probed by ultra-fast femtosecond X-ray lasers

Published on October 25, 2023
ASU News (Arizona State University)

When the Earth was completing its formation approximately 4.5 billion years ago, it was enveloped in a global ocean of molten magma, extending hundreds to thousands of kilometers beneath its surface due to violent impacts. This early environment bore little resemblance to the habitable conditions we experience on Earth today. Nonetheless, these initial few hundred million years were crucial in shaping our planet’s fundamental chemical and physical structures as we know them today. Key (…)

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Towards earthquake-resilient cities

Published on September 20, 2023
Results of the URBASIS project

Could we make the cities of the future earthquake-proof? An EU-funded research network put natural and man-made seismic risk in urban areas at the heart of their work to help reduce the impact of earthquakes.

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