Urban geological walks

Bastille Geological Trail

Leading to the top of the Bastille, this signposted path helps to understand the 200 million years of evolution of the Isère landscape. Download the geological trail brochure to visit it independently (PDF in french) Guided tours of the Geological Trail

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Booklet "Geological walk in Grenoble"

The booklet Geological walk in Grenoble, co-authored by Jérôme Nomade (professor-researcher at ISTerre), Jacques Bouffette (Geosciences Rennes) and Emmanuel Robert (University C. Bernard, Lyon I) at Editions Biotope, aims to raise awareness among the general public and geology lovers during a walk in the city centre of Grenoble.
This booklet allows you to discover the impact of the geological environment on the development of the city and on our daily lives (importance of the geological (…)

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