Séminaire ISTerre

Quaternary tectonics characterization of the Central Andes of Argentina between 23°-27°S

vendredi 18 juin 2021 - 14h00
Victor Gracia - Potsdam university, invited professor USMB
The Andean broken foreland of the Central Andes between 23°-27°S constitutes the transition from the Pampean flat-slab subduction segment to the south (27°-33°S) to the Bolivian Subandean belt, the prototype of thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belts, to the north. Several geological particularities have been responsible for its differential tectonic evolution since the Paleozoic. After a brief summary of the geology and tectonic evolution of the region, I would like to present a characterization of the Quaternary deformations along this part of the Central Andes and share some thoughts on why it maintains a unique behavior compared to its neighboring segments.

Equipe organisatrice : Cycle sismique et déformations transitoires

Salle Paul Gidon, Bâtiment Belledonnes, 73376 Le Bourget-du-Lac