Pages web du personnel


I am a geodynamicist using a combination of laboratory fluid dynamics experiments, numerical simulations, and theory, to understand the dynamics and evolution of the deep Earth. A significant part of my research in the past ten years has been focused on trying to understand the dynamics of the Earth’s inner core, with my colleagues Thierry Alboussière, Philippe Cardin, Sébastien Merkel and Stéphane Labrosse. In the past few years, an increasingly large fraction of my research has become devoted to questions related to the dynamics and evolution of the early Earth, including its formation and (...)

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Dr. Arjan de Leeuw Maître de Conférences Sédimentologie Institut de Science de la Terre Université Grenoble Alpes OSUG C 1381 rue de la piscine CS 40700 38058 GRENOBLE CEDEX 9 FRANCE email :"at" phone : +33 476 514 072
I am a field geologist interested in the sedimentology, evolution and provenance of large-scale sediment systems and their response to geodynamics and climate. I teach sedimentology and field geology at the University of Grenoble Alpes. Most of my research is multi-disciplinary and collaborative. It has focussed on the geology and (...)

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Kentaro EMOTO

Postdoc of NAMAZU project (collaborative project between France and Japan)
Research Interest: Scattering of seismic waves in heterogeneous random media Seismic interferometry Small-scale heterogeneities in the mantle

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Contact information
Institut des Sciences de la Terre
1381 Maison des Geosciences
38400 St Martin d’Heres, France
Office: +33 4 76 63 51 97
Cell: +33 6 98 87 39 14
Research projects and collaborations
Meetings and seminars
Students and postdocs
Research interests Structure and reactivity of amorphous and nanocrystalline materials. X-ray and neutron Pair Distribution Function (PDF) analyses.
Mechanisms of homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation: role of amorphous precursors, pre-nucleation clusters and aggregation-based nucleation and (...)

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Stéphane GUILLOT

Director of ISTerre

Principal Research Interests : orogenic evolution, tectonics, metamorphic petrology, fluid exchange in subduction zone, HP to UHP metamorphism and exhumation dynamics.

(Alps - Asia - South America - Caribbean - Oman - New Calédonia)

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Jean-Pierre GRATIER

Jean-Pierre Gratier
Physicien des Observatoires
email : Jean-Pierre.Gratier
N° de téléphone 06 85 05 17 84
Equipe Mécanique des failles
Equipe associée Cycle sismique et déformations transitoires
THEMES DE RECHERCHE : Compréhension des mécanismes de déformation de la croûte terrestre, particulièrement du rôle des fluides, approches à différentes échelles. Mise au point d’une méthode de détermination des lois de fluage et de compaction par dissolution cristallisation (poinçonnement expérimental) et validation par des observations de structures naturellement déformées. Etude de (...)

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Jean-Luc GOT

Statut :
Chercheur - Enseignant-Chercheur
Grade :
Professeur des universités 1
Tutelle :
Equipe de recherche / Service :
Géophysique des volcans
Equipe associée :
Mécanique des failles
Localisation :
Bâtiment Belledonnes - 73376 Le Bourget du Lac cedex
Bureau :
264 Belledonnes
Téléphone :
+33 (0)4 79 75 87 41

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PhD candidate at ISTERRE Grenoble from 2018 to 2022. Google Scholar ResearchGate Linkedin
PhD thesis : Paléosismologie lacustre et géophysique appliquées au lac d’Iznik (Turquie) : contribution à l’étude de la branche médiane de la Faille Nord-Anatolienne.
Lacustrine palaeoseismology and geophysics applied to Lake Iznik (Turley) : contribution to the study of the Middle Branch of the North Anatolian Fault.
Defense : 15th September, 2022
Supervisors : Julia de Sigoyer (ISTERRE), Pierre Sabatier (EDYTEM)
Journal Articles
Gastineau, R., (...)

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Philippe GUEGUEN

Senior Researcher UGE/ISTerre - Directeur de Recherche UGE/ISTerre
PhD Seismology
Member of the Waves team at STerre
ISI-Web -3852-2012 ---- GoogleScholar ---- Full Curriculum Vitae

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Stéphane GUEDRON

My field of research concerns the study of metals and metaloïds in the environment. My research activities focus on the understanding of geochemical cycles of elements in pedosystems and aquatic environments (lakes and surface waters) using analytical methods (chemical and physical speciation) for organometallic compounds speciation. I also develop lab and in situ experimentations to understand the reactivity (exchanges and transformations) of these compounds at the different environmental interfaces. I have special interest in investigating interactions with organisms such as the (...)

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