Research Activities

I’m currently exploring three main research routes.

Volcano-hydrothermal systems (VHS)
I first investigated the iconic Kawah Ijen volcano (Indonesia) using seismic and lake-monitoring approaches to better constrain its dynamics and the VHS influence on volcanic activity. I then started studying VHS with multi-disciplinary approaches (combining geochemistry and geophysics) and investigate the existence of precursors prior to hydro-volcanic eruptions. We found precursory signatures to some hydro-volcanic eruptions, but I am now trying to generalize these observations at different volcanoes into a theoretical framework using numerical modeling approaches and artificial intelligence.

Dynamics of volcanic systems using seismic noise
I have contributed to the development of new methodologies to monitor the Earth. I used and developed seismic data mining techniques based on continuous ground vibrations recorded at different volcanoes : the seismic interferometry, the seismic amplitude ratio calculations, and unconventional volcano-seismic tremor analyses. I have recently started working on Machine Learning (ML) approaches to detect hidden signals prior to volcanic eruptions.

Low-frequency rumbles and underwater seismo-acoustics echoes to monitor the Earth
My first scientific studies quantified carbon dioxide emissions from Indonesian volcanic lakes using hydroacoustic techniques. I then learned the fundamentals of infrasound which radiate acoustic wave below human-hearing threshold (<20 Hz). We analyzed remote seismic and infrasound recordings associated with eruptions, tsunamis and fireballs. Besides remote acoustic signatures to understand volcano dynamics, I am now trying to quantify underwater volcano degassing using seismo-acoustic approaches.