Brief summary

Emeritus senior researcher at CNRS, in the Geodynamo team of ISTerre, I conduct researches on the mechanisms at the origin of the Earth magnetic field.
I study the magnetostrophic regime thanks to the DTS experiment (now dismantled).

I contribute to the RevEarth ANR project : Realistic modelling of Earth’s magnetic field reversals, within which I am co-director (with Stéphane Labrosse) of the PhD Thesis of Thomas Frasson.

Within the INSU PNP ZoRo project, I investigate the acoustic modes of a gas-filled rapidly rotating spheroid : the ZoRo experiment.

I am involved in the Terracorr ANR project led by Pierre Boué, and in ISTerre transdisciplinary project : Core flow inversion with machine learning.

Visit the web site of the great Japanese FDEPS program for a full record of the course ’Geophysical Fluid Dynamics : from the Lab, up and down !’ that I taught in Kyoto in november 2018.

Take ’A pass to the deep Earth’ with me in this presentation to the participants of Doctoral School on the Deep Earth at the Ecole de Physique des Houches, in july 2021.

Here is a list of my publications and a short CV.