ISTerre publishes its Greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory

Public institutions with more than 250 employees are required to carry out a GHG inventory and propose actions to reduce their emissions. This applies to ISTerre’s tutelles, namely CNRS, IGA, IRD and IFSSTAR. At the laboratory level, we wanted to have a precise idea of our emissions, and to have a decision-making tool to reduce our impact.

In practice, the work was carried out in 4 months by an M1 internship in economics (Maxence Morel), thanks to the collaboration of many colleagues for data collection and the valuable involvement of Odile Blanchard (associate professor at the Laboratoire d’Economie Appliquée de Grenoble, GAEL), expert in GHG inventories, who co-supervised Maxence.

The inventory, the methodology and tool developed (GESTerre) are made available to laboratories that wish to use them for their own report. But this is a first step because the GESTerre tool is complex to use. ISTerre participates in the "Empreinte carbone des labos" working group from Labos1point5 initiative, which aims to develop a generic and easy-to-use tool to facilitate laboratory GHG inventories. We hope that this new tool will be available in 2020.


 Géraldine Sarret, ISTerre, geraldine.sarret
 Odile Blanchard, Laboratoire GAEL, Grenoble, Odile.Blanchard