Auteur de la page : Sylvain Campillo

Analyser Picarro G2121i coupled to a Costech combustion module

δ13C is a proxy used in geochemistry, paleoclimatology and paleoceanography.
δ13C changes over time as a function of primary productivity, carbon burial and vegetation type.
It is the ratio of the two stable carbon isotopes, 13C / 12C, expressed in ‰.

where the reference is the unusually high ratio (13C / 12C) of a Cretaceous fossil belemnite shell from the Peedee Formation in South Carolina —> data versus Pee Dee Belemnite or VPDB

image : JAAS Volume 28 | Number 4 | April 2013 | Pages 413-614

The CM-CRDS (Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy) is an apparatus dedicated to measurements of the amounts of stable 12C and 13C isotopes in a solid sample.
It is possible to discredit the Total Carbon part from the Organic Carbon part by decarbonating the sample (developed in the lab).
The instrument returns the value of δ13C relative to the Pee Dee Belemnite standard. : δ13C VPDB

Diagram of the CRDS system
image : JAAS Volume 28 | Number 4 | April 2013 | Pages 413-614
Framework of use Apparatus used within the framework of research projects at ISTerre and OSUG, or more rarely within the framework of external services.
Technical characteristics Types of samples
Solids, with specific preliminary preparation (contact us beforehand).

Technical data
Analysis time : approximately 10 minutes per sample.
33 samples per session, 10 standards ; 7 blanks.
Concentration range : 0.5 to 1.5 mg pure C per sample.
"Flash" combustion of the sample which converts all carbon to 12CO2(g) and 13CO2(g). The other combustion compounds are sorbed so that they are not injected into the reasoning cavity.
Then detection of the ppmv content of each isotope by measuring the decay of the laser intensity in the cavity (absorbance).

Types of analysis
Carbon 12C and 13C.
Isotopes on decarbonated samples (Laboratory developed method) to extract OM
Quality control Certified standards
Responsible for the tool,
Team to contact

 Scientific leader
Stephane Guedron->https://www.isterre.fr/annuaire/pages-web-du-personnel/stephane-guedron/] 04 76 63 59 28

 Technical manager
Sylvain Campillo 04 76 63 51 31