X-ray diffraction

Page author : Nathaniel Findling.

Non-destructive solid characterization technique. Allowing the identification and relative quantification of crystalline phases.

Diffraction XSiemens D5000 and Bruker Axs D8
Framework of use Accessible mineralogy team apparatus
Elements analysed Mineralogical or structural characterization
Technical specifications Technical data : Goniometer equipped with rotating sample holder, capillary, controlled environment chamber

Cobalt, Copper or Molybdenum tubes

Tetha-tetha goniometers with accuracy of 0.002 degrees

SolXE and solX detectors resolved in energy
Possible types of analyses : Characterization, quantitative analysis by rietveld refinement, study and modelling of oriented deposition (clays)
Persons in charge of the tool

Associate team

Scientific manager :

 Dr. Bruno Lanson

04 76 63 51 95

Technical manager :

 Nathaniel Findling

04 76 51 40 78