IMAP Reservation procedure

Reservation procedure:
To get access to the IMAP you need to do the following steps:

Step 1:
Plan at least 2-3 months ahead of the analyses. Consult the calendar of the appropriate equipment on the IMAP webpage to see equipment availability. Download and fill out an IMAP access request form

with information on the user and her/his affiliation, a short project description and context (Master or Ph.D. thesis work; ISTerre collaborative projects, industrial projects), the type and number of analyses planned, to which equipment access is requested and for how many days, including the preferred dates, according to the availability on the calendar and contact:

• For access to the Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA) JEOL FEG JXA-iHP200F, please contact: Valentina BATANOVA <valentina.batanova>

• For access the LA-ICP-MS (LASS*, MC or QQQ) system, please contact:
for non ERC MEET user:
Julien LÉGER <julien.leger> ;
for ERC MEET user:
for analyses of Trace elements abundances in minerals and glasses
Valentina Batanova <valentina.batanova> ;
for analyses Rb/Sr and U/Pb isotope systems or LASS
Adrien Vezinet <adrien.vezinet> .

• For access to the RAMAN Horiba LABRAM Soleil microscope spectrometer system,
please contact Valérie MAGNIN < valerie.magnin >.

Step 2:
The personnel will confirm the requested dates or they will propose alternative dates. As the access to the equipment is limited for non-ERC-MEET users, in the case of conflict or overbooking as a result of too high demand, the steering committee will decide on the priority of access to the equipment.

Step 3 (for non ERC MEET user):
Download and fill out Information for FLORALIS

Send the fully filled-out forms to the appropriate engineers, according to your desired instrument.
