Preparation of micro-samples

Laboratory equipment is designed for : manual mineral separation ; epoxy coating ; manual preparation of polished epoxy frames ; carbon coating for EPMA and electron microscope ; microthermometric study of fluid inclusions.
The laboratory has an electron microprobe for the chemical analysis of rocks. To be analyzed, samples must be solid and have a perfectly flat surface. The laboratory is therefore equipped with polishers and a vacuum carbon metalliser to make the samples usable for the microprobe.

Equipment for sample preparation for electron microprobe

Framework of use Devices used in the framework of projects at ISTerre or in collaboration with other laboratories of the Grenoble Observatory.
Description of the equipment Polishing machine MetaServ 250 (Buehler) Allows to obtain solid samples with a perfectly flat surface. Ideally, the surface should be "smoothed mirror".
Cast N’VAC Vacuum coating system with integrated pump.
Q150TE vacuum carbon evaporator turbo pump, Quorum Allows the surface of the sample to be electrically conductive in order to avoid charging by the electron beam : the samples are coated with carbon in a vacuum by passing an electric current through high-purity graphite electrodes. The carbon evaporates at the point of contact of the two electrodes and settles on the surface of the sample.
Responsible for the tool

Associate team

Dr. Valentina Batanova


Tel : 04 76 63 52 23 ; 04 76 51 40 65

Envoyer un message à Valentina ou Valérie ou Katia, merci.