Scientific and technical information - Documentation


The Documentation Service is a joint service of the Observatory of Earth Sciences and the Universe of Grenoble. This service and the DocISTerre document space are located in the ISTerre premises. This service carries out several missions for all the observatory’s laboratories :

 Provide staff and students with the best possible access to scientific and technical documentation, increasingly via electronic portals, by listening to them.

 To provide the best possible valorisation of OSUG’s scientific production, for example through the open archive HAL-INSU, which lists bibliographical references and provides access to a large number of scientific publications and theses (past and present).

 Structure OSUG’s Scientific and Technical Information.

 To amplify and facilitate the enhancement of the internal scientific production of OSUG staff and students and their access to external scientific literature.

 Manage OSUG’s bibliographic and heritage holdings.

 Structuring Scientific and Technical Information at the national level (INSU mandate) - Bibliopl@nets portal.

 Answer your specific questions about access, document search,... as well as your questions about IST (open access,...).


Contact :

Pascale Talour
Documentary Engineer,
CNRS / OSUG staff.

To contact her :
 pascale.talour at
 tel : 04 76 63 54 27

 Everything you need to know about the documentary space :access restricted to laboratory staff only.