
Passive seismic scanning of the preparation phase of damaging earthquakes

ERC Project
Duration: 2019-2025
Contact: Florent Brenguier

Unearthing the physics of earthquakes and faults

High-intensity earthquakes can leave a trail of destruction, causing death and millions of euros in property damage. Considerable efforts have been made into predicting when they might strike, however to date, geophysical precursors – phenomena preceding earthquakes – have not yet been detected before a damaging earthquake. Addressing this, the EU-funded FaultScan project aims to create a new, noise-based, high resolution, seismic monitoring approach to probe the core of real seismic faults enabling the detection of systematic earthquake precursors. The project will focus on the San Jacinto Fault, believed to pose one of the largest seismic risks in California.

Page Cordis : https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/817803/fr