FluxHyd projcet : Circulations in oceanic ridges and hydrogen production

Duration : 2011 - 2015
Coordinator : Michel Pichavant
Contact at ISTerre : Anne-Marie Boullier
ISTerre team involved : Mécanique des failles
External collaborations :

The use of H2 as an energy carrier is the basis of the hydrogen supply chain. This includes several stages, including the production of H2, which is almost exclusively based on industrial processes. Indeed, hydrogen is not considered as a gas present in significant quantities in natural environments. The discoveries, made in particular by IFREMER over the past 10 years, of hydrothermal fluids extremely rich in H2 on the mid-Atlantic ridge are likely to fundamentally call into question certain aspects of the hydrogen sector. Assessing the energy impact of these reduced hydrothermal systems is therefore a priority issue. The objective of this project is to provide baseline data to calculate the H2 fluxes associated with these underwater hydrothermal systems.

Source  : Présentation site ANR

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