SISDIF project

***Develop new approaches to take advantage of diffuse waves for imaging, monitoring and chracterization purposes. Applications include seismology, civil engineering, acoustics...

Duration : 2009 - 2011
Contact at ISTerre : Eric Larose
ISTerre research team involved : Waves and structures

Publications :

E. larose, T. Planes, V. Rossetto and L. Margerin : Locating a small change in a multiple scattering environment, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 (20) (2010). PDF N. Tremblay, E. larose, and V. Rossetto : Probing slow dynamics of consolidated granular multicomposite materials by Diffuse Acoustic Wave Spectroscopy (DAWS), J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127 1239-1344 (2010) PDF. V. Rossetto, A general framework for multiple scattering of polarized waves including anisotropies and Berry phase, Phys. Rev. E80, 056605, (2009) L. Margerin : Generalized eigenfunctions of layered elastic media and application to diffuse fields, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 125, 164-174 (2009).