WaveSIMM project : Study of the sea ice by seismic wave analysis

Duration : 2011 - 2016
Coordinator : Jérôme WEISS (ISTerre)
Contact at ISTerre : François RENARD
ISTerre team involved : Fault mechanics
External collaborations :

The WaveSIMM project proposes an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of elastic waves in the ice pack. The overall objective is to improve our knowledge of the Arctic ice pack and its behaviour.

To achieve this, this project is based on three main strengths :
(1) wave analysis methods applied to a new interdisciplinary context that bridges the gap between solid earth and glaciology ;
(2) a long experience of participants in Arctic field measurements ;
(3) technological advances to build and deploy fully autonomous measurement platforms.

More specifically, this project will :
1. Develop a system for measuring ice pack thickness, integrated at the basin scale and based on wave propagation properties
2. Develop a system for measuring ice pack thickness based on noise correlation at the local or regional level
3. Investigate the importance of wave-induced mechanical forces on the fragmentation and retreat of Arctic ice pack
4. Explore the link between ice pack fracturing and deformation at the regional scale to improve rheology modelling.

Source : Site web ANR

To know more :

Area of icebreaker operations in autumn 2012 and 2013 (circle) and approximate 2013 submarine cruise track, superimposed on the AMSR ice concentration for October 1st 2010.