Optimization of a hydrothermal cell-diamond for spectroscopy and diffraction

Duration : 2012 - 2013
Contact at ISTerre : Manuel Muñoz
ISTerre team involved : Mineralogy & Environments
Funding : Pôle Smingue – University Grenoble Alps
Collaborations : Equipe Fame – ESRF.


Understanding hydrothermal processes is critical in many of the issues with strong scientific and societal implications addressed within the ISTerre Mineralogy and Environment team. Examples include, for example, 1) alteration processes of ultramafic oceanic rocks (serpentinization) responsible for abiotic H2 production at underwater hydrothermal vents, 2) dehydration of minerals in subduction zones and deep seismicity, transport of trace elements, or the redox potential of magmas. In accordance with these themes, this project aims to redesign our cell-diamond system in order to improve : 1) the in-situ optical monitoring essential for a good control of the experiments carried out in the laboratory, and 2) the spectroscopic detection for the in-situ analysis methods at the synchrotron (XRD, XRF and XAFS) or Raman. The combination of these properties will make this particularly innovative system unique on an international scale.