Tectonics / neotectonics / lithospheric structure / internal forcing :

To study the formation of topography, we use field observations of geological features, including classical structural geology and high-resolution DEMs (using drones, Lidar), as well as trenching and geo-thermochronology to quantify the rate and timing of active faulting. A particular and growing speciality in the Team, initially mainly carried out by TRB Researchers at the Chambéry site, consists of studying seismic hazards using lacustrine records of seismicity. In collaboration with
geophysicists, we can deduce crustal and lithospheric structures at the mountain-range scale using our field expertise. Ultimately, mantle dynamics is the essential driving force behind plate tectonics, and the mantle controls the deformation of the lithosphere. Studying lithospheric tectonics allows us to study the coupling that operates from the convecting mantle to the external envelopes (oceans, atmosphere), and vice versa

1) Field campaign

 structural and sedimentological measurements

 topographical measurements


 methods thermochronological based on fission traces (Zircon and apatite)

 Chronological methods based onisotopic chemistry : 10Be and 26Al, U-Th-Sm-He