Aftershocks & stress shadows

 Project title: Aftershocks & stress shadows
 Project leader(s): David MARSAN
 Team(s) involved: Seismic cycles and transient deformations, Fault mechanics, Waves and Structures
 Amount: 6 400 €

Project description

We here aim at pursuing our commitment in understanding earthquake interactions through the study of the time evolution of the seismicity rate during earthquake sequences, by specifically addressing the following questions:
(1) The 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquake sequence : what is the rôle of fluids in controlling the aftershock sequence ?
(2) The 2011 Tohoku-Oki aftershock sequence : beginning and termination of a stress shadow?
(3) The 2017 Amatrice – Norcia, Italy, sequence: how to use earthquake rate changes to monitor seismic and aseismic stress changes ? These three studies will have a common approach (ie using earthquake rates to study fault processes) and aim at exploiting state-of-the-art datasets and at developing new methods to further improve our understanding of how earthquake sequences develop over months to years.