Rupture Processes, Seismic Cycle and Island Building in Indonesia

 Project title: Rupture Processes, Seismic Cycle and Island Building in Indonesia
 Project leader(s): CHLIEH Mohamed
 Team(s) involved: Seismic CYCLE and transient deformations - Tectonics, Reliefs & Basins
 Amount: 3000 euros

**Description of the project

"We propose to study large earthquakes and crustal deformation in Indonesia at different spatial and temporal time scales to better understand the physical links between:
1) Successive large earthquakes in the same fault segment
2) Interaction between earthquakes in different fault segments
3) Short-term/long-term deformation and building of the topography

This study needs to integrate transverse knowledges such as seismology, geodesy, geomorphology, structural geology and modeling. This study relies on international partnerships with two of our Indonesian partners deeply involved in Earth Sciences studies, namely the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). Current Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between CNRS (PI: L. Husson) and LIPI (PI: Danny Natawidjaja) and a future convention between IRD and ITB will facilitate scientific exchanges including students, infrastructures facilities and share scientific knowledges in geology and geophysics. This project also aims at further tightening our long-term collaboration with those institutes, in particular with the geodesy groups."