Post-doc position on comparative studies of tectonic and volcanic tremors in the framework of the ERC project SEISMAZE (M/F)

The Institut des Sciences de la Terre at Grenoble (ISTerre/CNRS), France is opening a 2-year Postdoc position in the framework of the ERC project SEISMAZE.

This project is aimed at studies of slow transient deformation processes in geological systems based on seismological observations. More particularly, SEISMAZE is focused on low-frequency tremors and earthquakes observed in active faults and volcanic systems as they represent a unique source of information that can be used to understand the physics of processes preceding large earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and to design new monitoring and forecasting approaches.

The aim of the proposed postdoc position is to compare the signal and source properties of tectonic and volcanic tremors with the analysis based on data of large regional-scale seismological networks. The position is expected to start in the end of 2020.

At the time of appointment, the successful post-doc candidates must have a PhD degree in geophysics, physics or a closely related field. Skills in signal processing and related programming (preferentially python-based) are essential, as well as excellent written and oral communication skills in English.

The selected candidate will be part of the Waves and Structures team including 65 researchers, post-docs and PhD students, and the other members of the SEISMAZE project.

SEISMAZE counts on a very international research team of highly qualified staff members both at Isterre and at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris.

To apply, please go to the platform “Portail Emploi CNRS”

For more information, please visit the project’s website

Contact: Nikolai Shapiro : nikolai.shapiro
Download the job offer