Time-lapse geoelectrical imaging of failure processes in clayey slopes

Jonathan CHAMBERS, British Geological Survey, Nottingham, UK | 20 mars 2014

 Pour télécharger la vidéo (clic droit —> enregistrer sous) : http://cyan1.grenet.fr/podcastmedia/les-podcasts-de-lujf/20140320_conference-a-isterre_jonathan-chambers_time-lapse-geoelectrical-imaging-of-failure-processes-in-clayey-slopes.m4v

The stability of natural and engineered clay slopes varies over time, and is often strongly dependent on the moisture content (water saturation) of the geological materials comprising the slope. In recent years, geoelectrical imaging techniques have been increasingly applied to slope monitoring studies due to their sensitivity to the internal moisture dynamics of slopes. Here, I use examples from the British Geological Survey slope stability monitoring observatory network to illustrate the development of three-dimensional Automated time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ALERT) for slope monitoring.

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